Monday 2 September 2013

Embryonic stem cell debate

Just finished watching this documentary about stem cell research, and a major portion of the programme combats the issue of the controversy surrounding the use embryonic stem cells for the purpose of medical research. I have included a poll to the right of the page for you to vote on, let me know what you think! 


First post!

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my new blog, this blog is mainly designated to my revision/thoughts regarding the topics of my 3rd year of study of my Biomedical Science degree at NTU.

I hope to use this as an efficient way of presenting my work, so that I, and others, can refer back to it when it comes to the exam season. 

Having this blog will also make me feel more inclined to revise and work efficiently throughout the year, even on the days I'm feeling lazy. So as well as being a revision tool for myself and my peers, it's also a hobby. 

I hope to do a post a day, maybe more (fingers crossed), when lectures begin in October, my plan is to complete a very detailed post for each lecture that we are given, worded in such a way that is relatable to everybody who wishes to learn about the topic. I will always give credit where it is due, this will help in referencing when it comes to coursework also. 

If you're a student on my course, and you see information here, which does not have a reference, which you wish to put into your work, I'm unsure exactly if you'd need to reference the blog... I'll find out about this ASAP as I don't want anybody to get into trouble with plagiarism. 

I was also thinking of incorporating YouTube videos into the blog posts as well, e.g diagrams or walkthroughs of processes etc, I'll be uploading them from my YouTube channel: NThompsonxx, feel free to subscribe when I start making videos :).

My modules I'll be studying will be:

- Histopathology
- Haemotology
- Immunology and Virology
- Infectious Diseases and their control

I will also be posting about topics relating to my dissertation/project:

"The role of ABCG2 in the survival of cancer stem cells."

So for anyone who is also interested in that, there will be information provided for this too. 

Feel free to comment on any of my posts, if you see something I've missed out, or if something needs correcting, let me know! I will alter the post and will also give credit to those who provide the new information! 

On days where I have nothing to post (e.g if I'm caught up on lectures) I'll be posting into the NTU Bioscience group for topics to discuss, also feel free to comment any topics you'd like to see, and I'll compose a list for future reference.

That's all for now :)
Thank you for reading!

- Natalie x